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IBM WebSphere Application Server Performance Cookbook

Each Java release has service releases which are fixpack upgrades, normally with APARs, but sometimes with feature enhancements, for example SR1. Finally, service releases themselves may have fix packs, for example FP1. An example IBM Java version commonly seen is: IBM Java Version 7R1 SR1 FP1

IBM Java can produce a javacore.txt file, also called a javadump. An example file name is javacore.20140930.025436.9920.0003.txt.

In general, javacores are very low overhead. They usually take no more than a few hundred milliseconds to produce. However, there are known defects in IBM Java that cause the entire JVM to freeze when requesting a javacore. These are usually caused by race conditions and are more likely the more javacores that are taken. Therefore, there is some risk in taking javacores in production, and this risk is proportional to the number of javacores taken. Before taking a lot of javacores, ensure that you have fixes installed for the most common of these hangs: IZ84925, IV66662 and IZ89711.

Staring with IBM Java 5, you may see threads in a javacore which are in Conditional Wait (CW) state that you would expect to be Runnable (R). This is by thiết kế; however, starting with Java 7.1 SR2, Java 7.0 SR8, and Java 6.1 SR8 FP2, such threads are reported as Runnable and the internal state is reported in the vmstate field.

Additional methods of requesting thread dumps are documented in the Troubleshooting WAS chapter.

  1. On POSIX operating systems, by default, the command kill -3 ${PID} will request a thread dump.
  2. Programmatically with com.ibm.jvm.Dump.JavaDump()
  3. On recent versions of IBM Java, use Java Surgery:
    $ java -jar surgery.jar -pid ${PID} -command JavaDump  
  4. The trace engine may be used to request a thread dump on method entry and/or exit. The following example JVM argument requests a thread dump when the Example.trigger() method is called:
  5. For OpenJ9, use jcmd Dump.java (see below)

By default, a user requested javacore has the request=exclusive option which asks for exclusive access before executing the javacore. However, unlike other agents, if exclusive access cannot be granted, the javacore creation will still proceed with some data excluded for safety. There is a known APAR IV68447/PI32843 where heap corruption may occur if a javacore runs during a garbage collection cycle.

On recent versions of IBM Java and applicable operating systems, a javacore includes a section with the current ulimit values of the process:

1CIUSERLIMITS  User Limits (in bytes except for NOFILE and NPROC)
NULL           ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NULL           type                            soft limit           hard limit
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_AS                        unlimited            unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_CORE                      unlimited            unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_CPU                       unlimited            unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_DATA                      unlimited            unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_FSIZE                     unlimited            unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_LOCKS                     unlimited            unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_MEMLOCK                       65536                65536
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_NOFILE                         8192                 8192
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_NPROC                        213234               213234
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_RSS                       unlimited            unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_STACK                       8388608            unlimited
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE                     819200               819200
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_NICE                              0                    0
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_RTPRIO                            0                    0
2CIUSERLIMIT   RLIMIT_SIGPENDING                   213234               213234

When requesting a system dump using the IBM system dump mechanism, the JVM will ensure that the RLIMIT_CORE hard limit is used.

In recent versions of IBM Java, the NATIVEMEMINFO section summarizes native memory allocations that the JVM has made.

0SECTION       NATIVEMEMINFO subcomponent dump routine
1MEMUSER       JRE: 4,786,464,960 bytes / 14237 allocations
2MEMUSER       +--VM: 4,734,576,408 bytes / 11959 allocations
3MEMUSER       |  +--Classes: 130,832,328 bytes / 5225 allocations
3MEMUSER       |  +--Memory Manager (GC): 4,388,855,680 bytes / 1502 allocations
4MEMUSER       |  |  +--Java Heap: 4,294,967,296 bytes / 1 allocation...

On 64-bit Java, the “Unused <32bit allocation regions: 6,708,704 bytes” line summarizes how much native memory is free in the pooled region allocations underneath 4GB.

If -Dcom.ibm.dbgmalloc=true is specified, then additional information will be added to NATIVEMEMINFO including native memory used by the Zip/Jar SDK code:

4MEMUSER | | +--Zip: 5,913,128 bytes / 2271 allocations
4MEMUSER | | +--Wrappers: 64,320 bytes / 193 allocations
5MEMUSER | | | +--Malloc: 64,320 bytes / 193 allocations

As an alternative, or in addition to, NATIVEMEMINFO analysis, Andrew Hall wrote a wonderful little Perl script named get_memory_use.pl that takes an IBM javacore.txt file and prints the number of reserved bytes for each IBM Java native memory segment (the many pages of hex addresses towards the top of the javacore). Native memory segments are all of the (pooled) native memory allocations that IBM Java makes, such as the Java heap itself, classes, JIT, etc. This script has been enhanced to: 1) print the NATIVEMEMINFO section if available, and 2) summarize the virtual memory layout of the sections based on 256MB sized segments:

$ perl get_memory_use.pl javacore.20140507.195651.17236140.0001.txt

A virtual memory layout of native memory allocations made by IBM Java may be created by simply listing the start and end addresses of all IBM Java native memory segments:

$ grep 1STSEGMENT javacore*.txt | awk '{print $3,$5}' | sort

This list may be useful to correlate to an operating system virtual memory layout to figure out what is allocated by IBM Java versus native allocations oustide of IBM Java.

First, determine whether most of the native memory is accounted for by Java or not. If RSS is much larger than expected, then gather either 1) the output of /proc/${PID}/smaps, or 2) a core file (you’ll also need the java executable to load in gdb). #1 will look something like this:

7f3498000000-7f34a0000000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
Size:             131072 kB
Rss:              131072 kB
Pss:              131072 kB...

In the case of #2, you can get an output that’s a subset of #1 through gdb by running “info files” and reviewing the core dump section (you can also get this info without gdb by running readelf --program-headers core.dmp):

(gdb) info files
Symbols from "java".
Local core dump file:
    `core.16721.dmp', file type elf64-x86-64.
    0x00007f3498000000 - 0x00007f34a0000000 is load51...

Create a list of the sizes of these virtual memory areas (VMAs) and then cross-reference their ranges with the memory segment ranges in the javacore ($3 for the start and $5 for the end):

$ grep "1STSEGMENT " javacore.20140703.171909.16721.0002.txt | awk '{print $3}' | sort

If you’ve found large VMAs that aren’t accounted for by IBM Java, then it may be worth exploring their raw memory to figure out whodunnit. GDB has the x command to print raw memory, but it’s not easy on the eye:

(gdb) x/32xc 0x00007f3498000000
0x7f3498000000: 32 ' '  0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    28 ' 34'   54 '6'  127 '177'  0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'
0x7f3498000008: 0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    -92 '244'  52 '4'  127 '177'  0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'
0x7f3498000010: 0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    4 ' 04'    0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'
0x7f3498000018: 0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    4 ' 04'    0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'    0 ' 00'

Another option is to dump memory to a file and then spawn an xxd process from within gdb to dump that file:

(gdb) define xxd
Type commands for definition of "xxd".
End with a line saying just "end".
>dump binary memory dump.bin $arg0 $arg0+$arg1
>shell xxd dump.bin
>shell rm -f dump.bin
(gdb) xxd 0x00007f3498000000 32
0000000: 2000 001c 367f 0000 0000 00a4 347f 0000   ...6.......4...
0000010: 0000 0004 0000 0000 0000 0004 0000 0000  ................

In this example, we found out later that this was a Glibc malloc arena. Unfortunately, Glibc doesn’t put an eye catcher at the top of each arena, so the only way to know for sure would be to point to the debuginfo packages and walk the arena chain (first, p main_arena.next, cast to malloc_state and dereference, p *((struct malloc_state *(0x00007f3498000000), and so on until next == p &main_arena).

For large VMAs, it’s probably best to just dump the VMA to a file:

dump binary memory dump.bin 0x00007f3498000000 0x00007f34a0000000

And then just xxd the file and pipe to less. If you have smaps output, then review the Rss line to see how much of the VMA was resident in RAM at the time.

If the VMA was mmap’ped (like a malloc arena), then remember that mmap will zero the chunk of memory first, so unused parts will be zeros. A simple trick to filter those out is to remove all zero lines:

$ xxd dump.bin | grep -v "0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000" | less

Every JVM-allocated native memory chunk is allocated with a header and a footer of type J9MemTag. The first 32 bytes is an eye catcher, the second 32 bytes is a checksum, the third word is the allocation size, the fourth word is a pointer to a string describing the type of allocation, and the fifth word is a pointer to the allocation category. The header eyecatcher is 0xB1234567 for an active allocation and 0xBADBAD67 for a freed allocation. The footer eyecatcher is 0xB7654321 for an active allocation and 0xBADBAD21 for a freed allocation. Note that malloc libraries such as Linux glibc will overwrite the first two words of a freed chunk as housekeeping pointers. On 64-bit, this means that the eyecatcher, checksum, and allocation size will be overwritten in the header tag; however, the same data is available in the footer tag, so it’s best to use that.

Compare accumulated CPU time between threads across two javacores (replace the first two lines with the javacore file names):

  join -a 1 -a 2 
      grep -e '3XMTHREADINFO ' -e 3XMCPUTIME "${JAVACORE1}" | 
        grep -v 'Anonymous native thread' | 
        sed '$!N;s/n/ /' | 
        sed 's/3XMTHREADINFO.*J9VMThread://g' | 
        sed 's/,.*CPU usage total://g' | 
        sed 's/ secs.*//g' | 
      grep -e '3XMTHREADINFO ' -e 3XMCPUTIME "${JAVACORE2}" | 
        grep -v 'Anonymous native thread' | 
        sed '$!N;s/n/ /' | 
        sed 's/3XMTHREADINFO.*J9VMThread://g' | 
        sed 's/,.*CPU usage total://g' | 
        sed 's/ secs.*//g' | 
     ) | 
       awk '{ printf "%s %.9fn", $0, $3-$2 }' | sort -nr -k 4

The Javacore.txt thread dump shows the state of each thread at the time of the dump; most commonly, R for runnable, CW for conditional wait, B for blocked, and P for parked. It has been a common confusion since IBM Java version 5 that threads which are effectively running (R) are actually reported as waiting (CW). This is because the JVM uses a cooperative mechanism to try to quiesce running threads for the duration of the Javacore to reduce the chances of problems creating the javacore itself. Tools such as IBM TMDA naïvely report the thread dump state without taking this into tài khoản:

2LKREGMON          Thread public flags mutex lock (0x00000000015E0438): <unownedvàgt;
3LKNOTIFYQ            Waiting to be notified:
3LKWAITNOTIFY            "main" (0x00000000015F6000)

However, starting with Java 8, Java 7, Java 6.1, and Java 6 SR16 FP4, the javacore.txt file reports these thread states as runnable, and moves the “true” state into the vmstate field: “Threads that were running Java code when the javacore was triggered have a Java thread state of R (Runnable) and an internal VM thread state of CW (Condition Wait).” (<>)

3XMTHREADINFO      "main" J9VMThread:0x00000000210E3100, j9thread_t:0x00007F0FB4007C30, java/lang/Thread:0x0000000020FE1D98, state:R, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD            (java/lang/Thread getId:0x1, isDaemon:false)
3XMTHREADINFO1            (native thread ID:0x13DA, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:CW, vm thread flags:0x00000001)
3XMTHREADINFO2            (native stack address range from:0x00007F0FBA12B000, to:0x00007F0FBAB2C000, size:0xA01000)

  1. Find all threads whose vm thread flags bit flags have J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_VM_ACCESS (0x20). Ensure that only one thread has this and that all other threads have the big flag J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_HALT_THREAD_EXCLUSIVE (0x1). For example, WebContainer : 7 has 0x20 and the others have 0x1:
    $ grep -e "XMTHREADINFO " -e "vm thread flags" javacore*.txt
    3XMTHREADINFO      "WebContainer : 7" J9VMThread:0x0000000004C82700, omrthread_t:0x0000153A040C9248, java/lang/Thread:0x00000000F3FBB0D8, state:R, prio=5
    3XMTHREADINFO1            (native thread ID:0x106E, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:R, vm thread flags:0x00001020)
    3XMTHREADINFO      "WebContainer : 10" J9VMThread:0x0000000004EB9400, omrthread_t:0x00001539A401C7F8, java/lang/Thread:0x00000000F3CE9BC8, state:R, prio=5
    3XMTHREADINFO1            (native thread ID:0x1078, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:CW, vm thread flags:0x00000081)

For a more complete picture, perform this on a core dump using jdmpview.

A heapdump contains information on the Java heap. This is used for investigating OutOfMemoryErrors, tuning Java heap usage, etc. On IBM Java, historically, a heapdump was equivalent to an IBM Portable Heapdump (PHD) file. A PHD heapdump is written by code in IBM Java and is generally limited to object reference analysis. Recently, IBM Java has pushed a new strategic direction to use system dumps instead of PHD heapdumps. A system dump is equivalent to the operating system process memory dump (Unix=core, Windows=dump, z/OS=DUMP, etc.). System dumps are written by the operating system. In essence, system dumps are a superset of PHD heapdumps. Not only do they include the Java heap, but they also include object memory (for example, the actual value of a String, etc.), which brings them to parity with HotSpot HPROF heapdumps. Additionally, system dumps include more detailed thread information (including some of the Java stack frame locals on each stack frame, which can be incredibly useful, such as finding out which database SQL query is executing), more accurate garbage collection root information, native memory information, and more.

Starting in IBM Java 626 (WAS, a system dump has been added for the first OutOfMemoryError. Thus, the default has changed to produce a PHD heapdump, javacore, snap file, and a system dump on OOM.

In older versions of IBM Java, the jextract tool was required to post-process a system dump. This was cumbersome and time consuming. Starting with Java 5 >= SR12 (WAS >=, Java 6 >= SR9 (WAS >=, Java 626 (WAS 8), DTFJ-based tools such as the IBM Memory Analyzer Tool (MAT) and IBM Interactive Diagnostic Data Explorer (IDDE) can read a system dump directly, just like a PHD heapdump. Jextract may still be useful for investigating native memory information (because jextract will also gather native libraries from the filesystem), but in general, a system dump is now as easy to use as a PHD heapdump.

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Unfortunately, most customers on Unix operating systems are still configured with constrained ulimits which truncate system dumps, making them usually useless. It is critical that you properly configure Unix systems for full core dumps:

System dumps usually compress to 25% of original size using zip, gzip, etc.

For the best system dump performance, ensure significant free physical memory so that the operating system can write it to RAM and then asynchronously flush to disk.

To analyze both heapdumps and system dumps, see the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool chapter.

To disable heapdumps and core dumps on OOM but keep core dumps on crashes:

-Xdump:heap:none -Xdump:system:none:events=systhrow,filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError

In general, IBM Java uses two formats for heapdumps: IBM Portable Heapdump (PHD) and an operating system dump. The latter is a superset of the former.

The operating system dump is simply a core dump of the virtual address space (Unix=core, Windows=userdump, z/OS=SYSDUMP) of the process. In older versions of IBM Java, the JVM’s jextract tool was required to be run on an operating system dump before it could be analyzed. Starting with Java 5 >= SR12, Java 6 >= SR9, and later Java releases, jextract is not necessary because IBM has created file readers for operating system dumps for all operating systems on which IBM Java runs. Tools such as the IBM Memory Analyzer Tool use the IBM Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java API to read the heapdump from jextracted ZIPs or operating system dumps.

An IBM PHD file contains basic information about the Java heap such as the graph of relationships between objects and their size. An operating system dump is a superset of a PHD heap dump and includes everything about the process; thus, in general, it will be larger and take longer to produce than an IBM PHD file. An operating system dump is usually compressable down to 25% of its original size for transportation.

Additional methods of requesting heap dumps are documented in the Troubleshooting WAS chapter.

  1. Use -Xdump:heap:events=user to take one on kill -3/Ctrl+Break. Note that we do not recommend running with this option permanently because the default handler only produces javacores which are often used for performance investigations whereas a heap dump causes its own significant performance overhead.
  2. Extract a PHD heapdump from a system dump using the heapdump command in jdmpview or IDDE
  3. Programmatically with com.ibm.jvm.Dump.HeapDump()
  4. From within the IBM Memory Analyzer Tool: File } Acquire Heap Dump
  5. On recent versions of IBM Java, use Java Surgery:
    $ java -jar surgery.jar -pid ${PID} -command HeapDump  
  6. The trace engine may be used to request a heap dump on method entry and/or exit. The following example JVM argument produces a heap dump when the Example.trigger() method is called:
  7. For OpenJ9, use jcmd Dump.heap (see below)

Additional methods of requesting system dumps are documented in the Troubleshooting Operating Systems and Troubleshooting WAS chapter.

  1. Use -Xdump:system:events=user to take one on kill -3/Ctrl+Break. Note that we do not recommend running with this option permanently because the default handler only produces javacores which are often used for performance investigations whereas a system dump causes its own significant performance overhead.
  2. Automatically produced on a crash
  3. Starting with Java 6.26 SR1, a system dump is produced on the first OutOfMemoryError
  4. In earlier versions of Java, a system dump may be produced on OOM with:
    -Xdump:heap:none -Xdump:java+system:events=systhrow,filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError,range=1..4,request=exclusive+prepwalk
  5. Programmatically with com.ibm.jvm.Dump.SystemDump()
  6. IBM Health Center can acquire a dump: Monitored JVM } Request a dump } System Dump
  7. The IBM Java system Dump Agent can take a system dump on various events. See Table 2 in Debugging from Dumps. For example, the following will create a core dump when the Example.bad method throws a NullPointerException:
  8. The trace engine may be used to request a system dump on method entry and/or exit. The following example JVM argument produces a system dump when the Example.trigger() method is called:
  9. On recent versions of IBM Java, use Java Surgery:
    $ java -jar surgery.jar -pid ${PID} -command SystemDump
  10. From within the IBM Memory Analyzer Tool: File } Acquire Heap Dump
  11. For OpenJ9, use jcmd Dump.system (see below)

One of the main issues with requesting system dumps is that the default dump agent for system dumps does not request exclusive access.

This is required because some GPFs, aborts, and other conditions need to take system dumps without requesting exclusive access (for example, if there is a bug within the GC itself that causes a crash).

The problem is that if a system dump is requested while a garbage collection is running, this normally means that the system dump will be unusable by tools such as Memory Analyzer Tool. The garbage collector is modifying core data structures and moving pointers and references which will utterly confuse memory analysis tools. The API com.ibm.jvm.Dump.SystemDump which is used by most mechanisms to request system dumps (e.g. wsadmin, Liberty server dump, etc.) uses the default dump agent which means it does not request exclusive access.

On IBM Java >= 7.1, the exclusive option may be passed to the triggerDump API call:


The Java Surgery tool’s SystemDump command uses this API if it is available.

On IBM Java < 7.1, there aren’t many good options to ensure that requesting a system dump requests exclusive access to avoid such a situation. The most obvious option would be to create a system dump on the user sự kiện (kill -3) and request exclusive access there; but, in general, the user sự kiện should be used for lightweight diagnostics such as thread dumps and it should not be used for heapdumps or system dumps.

The best option is to create a dump agent which requests a system dump with the exclusive option when a diagnostic exception is thrown and then use a tool such as Java surgery to inject a small JAR into the JVM that throws such an exception. First, set the following JVM option:


Then use Java Surgery to attach and throw the exception:

java -jar surgery.jar -command ThrowException -pid ${PID}

In addition, as part of J9’s post-processing of system dumps, additional information is added to the dump that is not added by the operating system. For example, on Linux, from older documentation: “The Linux operating system core dump might not contain all the information included in a core dump produced by the JVM dump agents.”

On z/OS, late attach is disabled by default and may be enabled with -Dcom.ibm.tools.attach.enable=yes

A diagnostic log may be enabled for J9’s late attach mechanism with the logging option:


By default, this creates a file named $PID.log in the current working directory of the process (the file prefix may be changed with -Dcom.ibm.tools.attach.log.name). Example output:

1617637336015(Mon Apr 05 15:42:16 UTC 2021) 2458: 19 [Attach API initializer]: AttachHandler initialized
1617637364670(Mon Apr 05 15:42:44 UTC 2021) 2458: 23 [Attachment 32835]: connectToAttacher localPort=43314 remotePort=32835
1617637364671(Mon Apr 05 15:42:44 UTC 2021) 2458: 23 [Attachment 32835]: streamSend ATTACH_CONNECTED e4404c99752ab0ec 
1617637364672(Mon Apr 05 15:42:44 UTC 2021) 2458: 22 [Attach API wait loop]: Blocking lock succeeded
1617637364673(Mon Apr 05 15:42:44 UTC 2021) 2458: 22 [Attach API wait loop]: iteration 0 checkReplyAndCreateAttachment releaseLock
1617637364673(Mon Apr 05 15:42:44 UTC 2021) 2458: 22 [Attach API wait loop]: unlocking file /tmp/.com_ibm_tools_attach/2458/attachNotificationSync
1617637364673(Mon Apr 05 15:42:44 UTC 2021) 2458: 22 [Attach API wait loop]: closing /tmp/.com_ibm_tools_attach/2458/attachNotificationSync
1617637365177(Mon Apr 05 15:42:45 UTC 2021) 2458: 23 [Attachment 32835]: doCommand ATTACH_LOADAGENT(instrument,/opt/surgery/surgery.jar=[...])
1617637365178(Mon Apr 05 15:42:45 UTC 2021) 2458: 23 [Attachment 32835]: loadAgentLibrary instrument:/opt/surgery/surgery.jar=[...] decorate=true
1617637365621(Mon Apr 05 15:42:45 UTC 2021) 2458: 23 [Attachment 32835]: streamSend ATTACH_ACK
1617637365624(Mon Apr 05 15:42:45 UTC 2021) 2458: 23 [Attachment 32835]: doCommand ATTACH_DETACH
1617637365624(Mon Apr 05 15:42:45 UTC 2021) 2458: 23 [Attachment 32835]: streamSend ATTACH_DETACHED

Recent versions of IBM Java do not require running jextract on the core dump for memory analysis (Java 5 >= SR12, Java 6 >= SR9, etc.). The reason is that the dump readers (DTFJ) are able to read operating system core dump files directly using DirectDumpReader (DDR) technology.

However, jextract is useful for investigating native memory issues because jextract will gather the java executable and native libraries which may be loaded into a debugger along with the core dump.

Jextract -interactive runs on the core file itself, not the jextracted ZIP. Example output:

# jextract -interactive core.20100624.110917.7576.0001.dmp
Loading dump file...
Read memory image from core.20100624.110917.7576.0001.dmp
Jextract interactive mode.
Type '!j9help' for help.
Type 'quit' to quit.
(Commands must be prefixed with '!')
!findallcallsites (or !dumpallsegments)
Searching for all memory block callsites...
Finished tìm kiếm. Bytes scanned: 4294958661
 total alloc   | largest
 blocks| bytes | bytes | callsite
      1      11      11 common/j9nls.c:427
      1     176     176 ParallelGlobalGC.cpp:162...

On Linux, when IBM Java requests the system dump, it forks itself and then kills the forked child process:

Linux does not provide an operating system API for generating a system dump from a running process. The JVM produces system dumps on Linux by using the fork() API to start an identical process to the parent JVM process. The JVM then generates a SIGSEGV signal in the child process. The SIGSEGV signal causes Linux to create a system dump for the child process. The parent JVM processes and renames the system dump, as required, by the -Xdump options, and might add additional data into the dump file. The system dump for the child process contains an exact sao chép of the memory areas used in the parent. The SDK dump viewer can obtain information about the Java threads, classes, and heap from the system dump. However, the dump viewer, and other system dump debuggers show only the single native thread that was running in the child process.

IBM Java then looks at /proc/PID/maps and tries to append information to the core dump that wouldn’t otherwise be there (in some cases this is not possible because the VMA does not have read permission): “The Linux operating system core dump might not contain all the information included in a core dump produced by the JVM dump agents”.

In general, it is recommended to get the output of /proc/${PID}/smaps at the same time as getting a system dump if you will be interested in virtual memory.

OpenJ9 provides the jcmd tool:

Pass the PID followed by the command. List available commands:

$ jcmd 2440 help

List the help contents for a particular command:

$ jcmd 2440 help Dump.java
Dump.java: Create a javacore file.
 Format: Dump.java <file pathvàgt;
 <file pathvàgt; is optional, otherwise a default path/name is used.
 Relative paths are resolved to the target's working directory.
 The dump agent may choose a different file path if the requested file exists.

Example requesting a javacore:

$ jcmd 2440 Dump.java
Dump written to /home/was/javacore.20200302.213647.2440.1.txt

Help for the commands above:

$ for i in $(jcmd 2440 help); do jcmd 2440 help $i; done
Dump.heap: Create a heap dump.
 Format: Dump.heap <file pathvàgt;
 <file pathvàgt; is optional, otherwise a default path/name is used.
 Relative paths are resolved to the target's working directory.
 The dump agent may choose a different file path if the requested file exists.
GC.heap_dump is an alias for Dump.heap
Dump.java: Create a javacore file.
 Format: Dump.java <file pathvàgt;
 <file pathvàgt; is optional, otherwise a default path/name is used.
 Relative paths are resolved to the target's working directory.
 The dump agent may choose a different file path if the requested file exists.

Dump.snap: Dump the snap trace buffer.
 Format: Dump.snap <file pathvàgt;
 <file pathvàgt; is optional, otherwise a default path/name is used.
 Relative paths are resolved to the target's working directory.
 The dump agent may choose a different file path if the requested file exists.

Dump.system: Create a native core file.
 Format: Dump.system <file pathvàgt;
 <file pathvàgt; is optional, otherwise a default path/name is used.
 Relative paths are resolved to the target's working directory.
 The dump agent may choose a different file path if the requested file exists.

GC.class_histogram: Obtain heap information about a Java process
 Format: GC.class_histogram [options]
          all : include all objects, including dead objects (this is the default option)
         live : include all objects after a global GC collection
NOTE: this utility may significantly affect the performance of the target VM.

GC.heap_dump: Create a heap dump.
 Format: Dump.heap <file pathvàgt;
 <file pathvàgt; is optional, otherwise a default path/name is used.
 Relative paths are resolved to the target's working directory.
 The dump agent may choose a different file path if the requested file exists.
GC.heap_dump is an alias for Dump.heap
GC.run: Run the garbage collector.
 Format: GC.run
NOTE: this utility may significantly affect the performance of the target VM.

Thread.print: List thread information.
 Format: Thread.print [options]
 Options: -l : print information about ownable synchronizers

help: Show help for a command
 Format:  help <commandvàgt;
 If no command is supplied, print the list of available commands on the target JVM.

On recent versions of Java, change the default directory of dump artifacts with the generic JVM argument:


For particular dump types:

-Xdump:java:defaults:file=/var/dumps/javacore.%Yphần trămmphần trămd.%Hphần trămMphần trămS.%pid.%seq.txt

The filter is the number of megabytes:


Example output in stderr:

JVMDUMP039I Processing dump sự kiện "allocation", detail "5242880 bytes, type java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry[]" at 2015/09/14 07:36:49 - please wait.
Thread=main (00007F8830007C30) Status=Running
    at java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry.newArray(I)[Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry; (ConcurrentHashMap.java:311) (Compiled Code)

To get a core dump instead, for example:


-Xdump may be used to execute agents when an exception is thrown, including from a particular method. For example:


Starting with Java 8, exceptions may be further filtered by the exception message. For example, to trigger a javacore on a java/lang/VerifyError exception that contains the text string “wrong initializer”

-Xdump:java:events=throw,filter=java/lang/VerifyError,msg_filter=*wrong initializer*

The tool agent may be used to execute arbitrary process commands. For example, to print /proc/meminfo on Linux when there is an OOM:

-Xdump:tool:events=systhrow,filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError,request=exclusive+prepwalk,range=1..0,priority=999,exec="cat /proc/%pid/smaps > smaps.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%pid.%seq.txt; cat /proc/meminfo > meminfo.%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.%pid.%seq.txt"

Running a command on the last artifact produced:

-Xdump:tool:events=user,exec="bin/jextract %last"

-Xdump may be used to execute agents when an exception is caught, including from a particular method. For example:


Use the second number in the range option to control the maximum number of core dumps produced. In the above example, no more than 1 cores will be produced.

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The system dump agent is often useful because the system dump can be loaded in a tool such as the Memory Analyzer Tool and various stack frame locals may be reviewed that may help understand the exception.

In general, it’s a malpractice to catch an exception and suppress its detailed information (the best practice is to re-throw it or log the details). For example:

public class Play {
  public void foo() {
    try {
      // Work
    } catch (Throwable t) {

The TechNote above goes over how to correctly deal with this situation, but sometimes it’s difficult to quickly update code when there’s a problem. If we know which method is catching the exception, then we can just use the above technique to find the cause.

Until Java 7.1, enabling certain -Xtrace options may affect the performance of the entire JVM (see the -Xtrace section in the IBM Java chapter).

The simplest usage of -Xtrace is to trace entry and exit of some method(s). For example (this uses a wildcard to match all methods of a class):


Example output (goes to stderr):

20:45:41.867 0x1b34700              mt.0        > com/ibm/ws/kernel/launch/internal/FrameworkManager.addShutdownHook(Z)V bytecode method, this = 0xe014d508  
20:45:41.868 0x1b34700              mt.6        < com/ibm/ws/kernel/launch/internal/FrameworkManager.addShutdownHook(Z)V bytecode method

The text “()” may be added after the method name(s) to add an additional line of output showing passed-in arguments (if the method has not been JIT-compiled yet):


Example output:

20:45:41.867 0x1b34700              mt.0        > com/ibm/ws/kernel/launch/internal/FrameworkManager.addShutdownHook(Z)V bytecode method, this = 0xe014d508  
20:45:41.867 0x1b34700              mt.18       - this: com/ibm/ws/kernel/launch/internal/[email protected] method arguments: (false)  
20:45:41.868 0x1b34700              mt.6        < com/ibm/ws/kernel/launch/internal/FrameworkManager.addShutdownHook(Z)V bytecode method

A stack trace may be dumped with the trigger option to show which method is calling the traced method:


Example output:

20:45:41.034 0x1b34700              mt.0        > com/ibm/ws/kernel/launch/internal/FrameworkManager.launchFramework(Lcom/ibm/ws/kernel/boot/BootstrapConfig;Lcom/ibm/wsspi/logprovider/LogProvider;)V bytecode method, this = 0xffe89298  
20:45:41.034 0x1b34700              mt.18       - this: com/ibm/ws/kernel/launch/internal/[email protected] method arguments: (com/ibm/ws/kernel/boot/[email protected],com/ibm/ws/logging/internal/impl/[email protected])  
20:45:41.035 0x1b34700       j9trc_aux.0        - jstacktrace:  
20:45:41.035 0x1b34700       j9trc_aux.1        - [1] com.ibm.ws.kernel.launch.internal.FrameworkManager.launchFramework (FrameworkManager.java:198)  
20:45:41.035 0x1b34700       j9trc_aux.1        - [2] com.ibm.ws.kernel.launch.internal.LauncherDelegateImpl.doFrameworkLaunch (LauncherDelegateImpl.java:114)  
20:45:41.035 0x1b34700       j9trc_aux.1        - [3] com.ibm.ws.kernel.launch.internal.LauncherDelegateImpl.launchFramework (LauncherDelegateImpl.java:100)  
20:45:41.035 0x1b34700       j9trc_aux.1        - [4] com.ibm.ws.kernel.boot.internal.KernelBootstrap.go (KernelBootstrap.java:213)  
20:45:41.035 0x1b34700       j9trc_aux.1        - [5] com.ibm.ws.kernel.boot.Launcher.handleActions (Launcher.java:241)  
20:45:41.035 0x1b34700       j9trc_aux.1        - [6] com.ibm.ws.kernel.boot.Launcher.createPlatform (Launcher.java:117)  
20:45:41.035 0x1b34700       j9trc_aux.1        - [7] com.ibm.ws.kernel.boot.cmdline.EnvCheck.main (EnvCheck.java:59)  
20:45:41.035 0x1b34700       j9trc_aux.1        - [8] com.ibm.ws.kernel.boot.cmdline.EnvCheck.main (EnvCheck.java:35)

Instead of printing to stderr, you may print to binary files and then post-process them (ideally using the same version of Java that produced them) to dump human-readable output. For example:


Then on each jvmtrace*.trc file, run the trace formatter; for example:

$ java com.ibm.jvm.TraceFormat jvmtrace0.trc

Forced garbage collections (System.gc() or Runtime.gc()) can be investigated by printing stack traces whenever they’re called using the generic JVM argument:


Output goes to native_stderr.log. There may be some performance overhead to this option so before running in production (see the -Xtrace section in the IBM Java chapter), so test the overhead in a test environment. Example output:

12:02:55.436*0x191de00 mt.2 > java/lang/Runtime.gc()V Native method, This = 1b24188
12:02:55.463 0x191de00 mt.18 - Instance method receiver: java/lang/[email protected] arguments: ()
12:02:55.463 0x191de00j9trc_aux.0 - jstacktrace:
12:02:55.464 0x191de00j9trc_aux.1 - [1] java.lang.Runtime.gc (Native Method)
12:02:55.464 0x191de00j9trc_aux.1 - [2] java.lang.System.gc (System.java:278)
12:02:55.464 0x191de00j9trc_aux.1 - [3] Test.main (Test.java:3)

If you are on IBM Java >=6 and < 7.1, then you may instead use -Xdump:stack:events=fullgc

This will print a stack trace to stderr every time a full garbage collection occurs:

Thread=WebContainer : 263509055 (F6C04688) Status=Running
    at java/lang/Runtime.gc()V (Native Method)
    at java/lang/System.gc()V (System.java:312)
    at Test.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V (Test.java:6)
JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "fullgc", detail "".

However, it will also print a stack any time a full GC occurs for non-explicit reasons. You can simply look for any stacks that begin with Runtime.gc to figure out which ones are explicit.

If it is required to request full GCs, here are some options (assuming -Xdisableexplicitgc is not set):

  1. MBean: MemoryMXBean.gc
  2. Create a JSP/Servlet or other type of application that executes System.gc based on some HTTP request or other input
  3. Use the Java Surgery tool with -command CollectGarbage (this one is probably the closest to jcmd, although see the caveats on the page)
  4. Use -Xdump or -Xtrace to trigger on certain method invocations (hard to configure)
  5. Request a heapdump: this will force a GC as part of taking the heapdump

The sources of threads may be tracked by dumping where those threads are instantiated, which is likely the code that will subsequently spawn those threads. For example, if there is a thread with the following stack:

3XMTHREADINFO3  Java callstack:
4XESTACKTRACE     at java/lang/Object.wait(Native Method)
4XESTACKTRACE     at java/lang/Object.wait(Object.java:196(Compiled Code))
4XESTACKTRACE     at java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:102(Compiled Code))
4XESTACKTRACE     at sun/rmi/transport/DGCClient$EndpointEntry$RenewCleanThread.run(DGCClient.java:492(Compiled Code))
4XESTACKTRACE     at java/lang/Thread.run(Thread.java:736(Compiled Code))

Then the thread class is sun/rmi/transport/DGCClient$EndpointEntry$RenewCleanThread. Next, construct an -Xtrace option which prints the stack trace of the constructor call to native_stderr.log. For example:


As another example, for Timers with stacks such as:

3XMTHREADINFO      "Thread-2572" ...
3XMTHREADINFO3           Java callstack:
4XESTACKTRACE                at java/lang/Object.wait(Native Method)
4XESTACKTRACE                at java/lang/Object.wait(Object.java:196(Compiled Code))
4XESTACKTRACE                at java/util/Timer$TimerImpl.run(Timer.java:246(Compiled Code))
5XESTACKTRACE                   (entered lock: java/util/[email protected], entry count: 1)

Add the following generic JVM argument:


Example output:

20:05:02.535*0x23b3f500              mt.0        > java/util/Timer$TimerImpl.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V Bytecode method, This = 20884938
20:05:02.535 0x23b3f500       j9trc_aux.0        - jstacktrace:
20:05:02.535 0x23b3f500       j9trc_aux.1        - [1] java.util.Timer$TimerImpl.<initvàgt; (Timer.java:201)
20:05:02.535 0x23b3f500       j9trc_aux.1        - [2] java.util.Timer.<initvàgt; (Timer.java:364)
20:05:02.535 0x23b3f500       j9trc_aux.1        - [3] com.ibm.TimerTestServlet.service (TimerTestServlet.java:22)...
20:05:02.535 0x23b3f500              mt.6        < java/util/Timer$TimerImpl.<initvàgt;(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V Bytecode method

Enabling certain -Xtrace options may affect the performance of the entire JVM (see the -Xtrace section in the IBM Java chapter).


To enable tracing for the SDK’s java/net classes, you may use:


This writes to native_stderr.log. For example:

20:32:41.615 0x13d86800              mt.0        > java/net/InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName()Ljava/lang/String; Bytecode method, This = 4125660
20:32:41.615 0x13d86800              mt.18       - Instance method receiver: java/net/[email protected] arguments: ()
20:32:41.855 0x13d86800              mt.6        < java/net/InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName()Ljava/lang/String; Bytecode method

Equivalently, the trace may be sent to files. For example:


Then on each jvmtrace*.trc file, run the trace formatter; for example:

$ java com.ibm.jvm.TraceFormat jvmtrace0.trc

In the following example, we can see the first call doesn’t find the hosting name in the cache, then puts it in the cache:

21:07:36.564789000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.0                Entry      >java/net/InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName()Ljava/lang/String; Bytecode method, This = 0x435f2b0
21:07:36.564790000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.18               Sự kiện       Instance method receiver: java/net/[email protected] arguments: ()
21:07:36.783388000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.3                Entry      >java/net/InetAddress.cacheAddress(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V Bytecode static method
21:07:36.783425000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.0                Entry      >java/net/InetAddress$Cache.put...
s = 0x1f0e930
21:07:36.783428000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.18               Sự kiện       Instance method receiver: java/net/[email protected] arguments: (java/lang/[email protected]
21:07:36.783656000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.6                Exit       <java/net/InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName()Ljava/lang/String; Bytecode method

In the next call, there is no put; therefore, it found it in the cache:

21:07:41.373200000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.0                Entry      >java/net/InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName()Ljava/lang/String; Bytecode method, This = 0x43ba250
21:07:41.373201000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.18               Sự kiện       Instance method receiver: java/net/[email protected] arguments: ()
21:07:41.493092000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.3                Entry      >java/net/InetAddress.getCachedAddress(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; Bytecode static method
21:07:41.493165000  0x0000000013c6ba00 mt.6                Exit       <java/net/InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName()Ljava/lang/String; Bytecode method

Enabling certain -Xtrace options may affect the performance of the entire JVM (see the -Xtrace section in the IBM Java chapter).

If core dump analysis does not discover the cause of file leaks (this may be particularly difficult on Windows when a particular leaked file must be found, because the file descriptor identifiers in Java objects do not directly map to Windows HANDLE addresses), then IO trace points may be used. IO trace points differ by operating system, so you may start with all IO trace points (print=IO), but in this example we show Windows trace points:


This also adds jstacktrace on IO.103 which is a file open.

21:40:27.491 0x2479c200              IO.103      > IO_CreateFileW(filename=C:WASprofiles....metadata.plugins...properties.version...
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.0        - jstacktrace:
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [1] java.io.FileOutputStream.open (Native Method)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [2] java.io.FileOutputStream.<initvàgt; (FileOutputStream.java:233) (Compiled Code)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [3] java.io.FileOutputStream.<initvàgt; (FileOutputStream.java:183) (Compiled Code)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [4] org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.BucketTree.saveVersion (BucketTree.java:145)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [5] org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.BucketTree.close (BucketTree.java:80)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [6] org.eclipse.core.internal.properties.PropertyManager2.shutdown (PropertyManager2.java:169)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [7] org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.shutdown (Workspace.java:1829)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [8] org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.close (Workspace.java:369)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [9] org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin.shutdown (ResourcesPlugin.java:344)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [10] org.eclipse.core.internal.compatibility.PluginActivator.stop (PluginActivator.java:46)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [11] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl$2.run (BundleContextImpl.java:843)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [12] java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged (AccessController.java:341) (Compiled Code)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [13] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.stop (BundleContextImpl.java:836)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [14] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.stopWorker (BundleHost.java:501)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [15] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.suspend (AbstractBundle.java:550)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [16] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.suspendBundle (Framework.java:1101)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [17] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.decFWSL (StartLevelManager.java:597)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [18] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.doSetStartLevel (StartLevelManager.java:257)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [19] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.StartLevelManager.shutdown (StartLevelManager.java:215)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [20] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.InternalSystemBundle.suspend (InternalSystemBundle.java:266)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [21] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.shutdown (Framework.java:694)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [22] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework.close (Framework.java:592)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [23] org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.InternalSystemBundle$1.run (InternalSystemBundle.java:243)
21:40:27.491 0x2479c200       j9trc_aux.1        - [24] java.lang.Thread.run (Thread.java:863)
21:40:27.492 0x2479c200              IO.105      < IO_CreateFileW - return code=5072
21:40:27.492 0x2479c200              IO.100      > IO_CloseHandle(Handle=5072)
21:40:27.492 0x2479c200              IO.102      < IO_CloseHandle - return code=1

In the above example, an open returns the file handle 5072 (the result in the method exit of CreateFileW), and that is immediately followed by a CloseHandle on 5072, which succeeds. Finding an open without a close will discover the leak.

See https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21657391

Dump Java stack memory:

> xx 0xf1afdc10,10,4
0xf1afdc10 :  4C6DB928 00000000 E1A88FD0 00000000 [ (.mL............]

In the above example, 4C6DB928 was a Java object.

Accumulated CPU time in javacores are queried when producing a javacore but no such standardized information is in core dumps; however, z/OS and Windows can get such information from the OS structures.

  • On Windows using info thread:

    Multiply each by 100 to get nanoseconds.

Show class histogram of object sizes (the final line under the “Space used” column shows total heap usage [reachable and unreachable]):

> !objectsizeinfo

Object field size summary
Class                    Total size  Data size  Space used  Instances  char  byte     short   int    long  float  double  boolean  object   hidden  
-----------------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ----  -------  ------  -----  ----  -----  ------  -------  -------  ------  
boolean[]                N/A         N/A        32400       916        0     0        0       0      0     0      0       0        0        0       
boolean[][]              N/A         N/A        128         3          0     0        0       0      0     0      0       0        0        0       
byte[]                   N/A         N/A        61279440    8180       0     0        0       0      0     0      0       0        0        0       
byte[][]                 N/A         N/A        4440        41         0     0        0       0      0     0      0       0        0        0       
char[]                   N/A         N/A        16388632    153884     0     0        0       0      0     0      0       0        0        0       
char[][]                 N/A         N/A        343224      21126      0     0        0       0      0     0      0       0        0        0       
char[][][]               N/A         N/A        456         2          0     0        0       0      0     0      0       0        0        0       
com/ibm/AllocateObject   16          12*        16          1          0     0        0       0      0     0      0       0        0        0       
Class                    Total size  Data size  Space used  Instances  char  byte     short   int    long  float  double  boolean  object   hidden  
Heap summary             34832704    22956148   123317456   1529720    719   1763123  155493  41343  0     0      0       0        2651309  5199   

!nativememinfo dumps out the same structure that’s commonly used in javacores:

> !nativememinfo
JRE: 14,115,609,464 bytes / 65049 allocations
+--VM: 13,622,156,544 bytes / 55708 allocations
|  +--Classes: 245,835,968 bytes / 32251 allocations

To get a dump of the -Xtrace buffer:

> !snapformat

To find out the size of the Java heap:

> !dumpallregions
|    region      |     start      |      end       |    subspace    | flags  |      size      |      region type
 000000500867eb00 0000000080000000 000000009acc0000 000000500862add0 00000009         1acc0000 ADDRESS_ORDERED
 000000500867ee30 000000009acc0000 000000009f7a0000 000000500862f2e0 0000000a          4ae0000 ADDRESS_ORDERED
 000000500867ed20 000000009f7a0000 00000000a0000000 00000050118d5530 0000000a           860000 ADDRESS_ORDERED

Dump all segments:

> !dumpallsegments
memorySegments - !j9memorysegmentlist 0x66b5a0
|    segment     |     start      |     alloc      |      end       |  type  |  size  |
 00007f24ddc07968 00007f23f151f030 00007f23f15725b0 00007f23f161f030 00800040   100000
 00007f24ddc07c88 00007f23f5ecc030 00007f23f5fcc010 00007f23f5fcc030 00800040   100000 [...]

List loaded native libraries at the time of the dump:

> !dclibs
Showing library list for /opt/dockerdebug/fedorawasdebug/supplemental/exampledata/liberty/verbosegc_and_oom/core.20191106.195108.1845.0001.dmp
exe = java
Lib : java
    Library is not appended to the core file, it may be present on the local disk
Lib : java
    Library is not appended to the core file, it may be present on the local disk
Lib : /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
    Library is not appended to the core file, it may be present on the local disk
Lib : /lib64/libpthread.so.0
    Library is not appended to the core file, it may be present on the local disk [...]

Show registered dump agents:

> !showdumpagents
Registered dump agents
-Xdump: [...]

List known native allocations by callsite:

> !findallcallsites
 total alloc   | largest
 blocks| bytes | bytes | callsite
   3043 65892984   74168 segment.c:233

List native allocations by a particular callsite:

> !findcallsite dmpagent.c:1713
 !j9x 0x00002B248403AA90,0x0000000000000078    dmpagent.c:1713
 !j9x 0x00002B248403AB50,0x0000000000000078    dmpagent.c:1713
 !j9x 0x00002B248403AC10,0x0000000000000078    dmpagent.c:1713
 !j9x 0x00002B248403ACD0,0x0000000000000078    dmpagent.c:1713
 !j9x 0x00002B248403AD90,0x0000000000000078    dmpagent.c:1713
 !j9x 0x00002B248403AE50,0x0000000000000078    dmpagent.c:1713
 !j9x 0x00002B248403AF10,0x0000000000000078    dmpagent.c:1713
 !j9x 0x00002B248403AFD0,0x0000000000000078    dmpagent.c:1713
 !j9x 0x00002B24EC083520,0x0000000000000078    dmpagent.c:1713
Call site count = 9

If investigating a triggerDump API call, the last callsite can be cast to the expected struct:

> !J9RASdumpAgent 0x00002B24EC083520
J9RASdumpAgent at 0x2b24ec083520 {
  Fields for J9RASdumpAgent:
    0x0: struct J9RASdumpAgent * nextPtr = !j9rasdumpagent 0x0000000000000000
    0x8: void * shutdownFn = !j9x 0x00002B2483DA2240
    0x10: UDATA eventMask = 0x00000000004A2000 (4857856)
    0x18: char * detailFilter = !j9x 0x0000000000000000
    0x20: UDATA startOnCount = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
    0x28: UDATA stopOnCount = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
    0x30: UDATA count = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
    0x38: char * labelTemplate = !j9x 0x00002B2484034BF0 // "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/cor..."
    0x40: void * dumpFn = !j9x 0x00002B2483DA5660
    0x48: char * dumpOptions = !j9x 0x0000000000000000
    0x50: void * userData = !j9x 0x0000000000000000
    0x58: UDATA priority = 0x00000000000003E7 (999)
    0x60: UDATA requestMask = 0x0000000000000008 (8)
    0x68: UDATA prepState = 0x0000000000000101 (257)
    0x70: char * subFilter = !j9x 0x0000000000000000

The requestMask lists the request options

Xem thêm :  Cửu huyền thất tổ là gì? cách bài trí và thờ cúng theo ông bà xưa

  1. Find the j9javam pointer:
    > !context
    *0 : PID: 4374;  !j9javavm 0x153a38026560
  2. Print it and tìm kiếm for exclusiveAccessState:
    > !j9javavm 0x153a38026560 | grep exclusiveAccessState
    0x1968: UDATA exclusiveAccessState = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
  3. Review the bit flag value:
    #define J9_XACCESS_NONE 0
    #define J9_XACCESS_PENDING 1
    #define J9_XACCESS_EXCLUSIVE 2
    #define J9_XACCESS_HANDING_OFF 3
    #define J9_XACCESS_HANDED_OFF 4

  1. Find all threads whose publicFlags bit flags have J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_VM_ACCESS (0x20). Ensure that only one thread has this and that all other threads have the bit flag J9_PUBLIC_FLAGS_HALT_THREAD_EXCLUSIVE (0x1). For example, WebContainer : 7 has 0x20 and the others have 0x1:
    > !threads flags
    !j9vmthread 0x29106e00 publicFlags=1020 privateFlags=2 inNative=0 // Default Executor-thread-28408
    !j9vmthread 0x294d7d00 publicFlags=a1 privateFlags=2 inNative=1 // Default Executor-thread-27795
  2. Print the details of that thread and tìm kiếm for omrthread_t:
    > !j9vmthread 0x29106e00 | grep omrthread_t
        0x138: omrthread_t osThread = !j9thread 0x000000595631C648
  3. Print the omrthread_t and tìm kiếm for tid:
    > !j9thread 0x000000595631C648 | grep tid
        0x420: uintptr_t tid = 0x00000000275F2800 (660547584)
  4. Remove any -padding after 0x and pass that to info thread:
    > info thread 0x275F2800
     process id: 84410739
      thread id: 0x275f2800
        PSW    = 0x070c0000817384d6   R0     = 0x0000000000000003   R1     = 0x0000000026c90508   R2     = 0x0000005000a3b0cf
        R3     = 0x000000001c011720   R4     = 0x0000005400000000   R5     = 0x00000000000201bb   R6     = 0x00000000078d0401
        R7     = 0x0000000001d9d470   R8     = 0x000000006e366f00   R9     = 0x0000000026c90508   R10    = 0x0000000000000000
        R11    = 0x0000005000000000   R12    = 0x00000051bf7fec60   R13    = 0x0000005417efcaa0   R14    = 0x000000000170a6ae
        R15    = 0x0000000000000000
       native stack sections:
        0x5417efa000 to 0x5417f00000 (length 0x6000)
       native stack frames:
        bp: 0x0000005417efbd80 pc: 0x0000000026c8e0f0 ExtraSymbolsModule::CEEOPCT+0x6a40
        bp: 0x0000005417efc340 pc: 0x0000000026feed76 ExtraSymbolsModule::pthread_cond_wait+0x1ee
        bp: 0x0000005417efc4c0 pc: 0x00000000273f7680 libj9thr29.so::monitor_wait_original+0xcb8
        bp: 0x0000005417efc640 pc: 0x00000000273fda6c libj9thr29.so::omrthread_monitor_wait+0x84
        bp: 0x0000005417efc740 pc: 0x000000007ad628a2 ExtraSymbolsModule::MM_Scavenger::getNextScanCache(MM_EnvironmentStandard*)+0x1062

> !methodforname com/example/ExampleClass.play
Searching for methods named 'com/example/ExampleClass.play' in VM=0x00007F6BB4013720...
!j9method 0x0000000005674478 --> com/example/ExampleClass.play()V
Found 1 method(s) named com/example/ExampleClass.play
> !bytecodes 0x0000000005674478
  Name: play
  Signature: ()V
    0 ldc2lw 70 (long) 0x0000000000000030
    3 lstore 5
    5 aconstnull 
    6 astore 7
    8 iconstm1 [...]

  1. Find the j9javam pointer:
    > !context
    *0 : PID: 4374;  !j9javavm 0x153a38026560
  2. Find the gcExtensions pointer:
    !j9javavm 0x153a38026560 | grep gcExtensions | charsfrom -e j9x
  3. Cast the gcExtensions pointer to get the min and max heap sizes:
    >  !MM_GCExtensions 0x000000500B5904D0 | grep memoryMax
    0x20a8: UDATA memoryMax = 0x0000000100000000 (4294967296)
    > !MM_GCExtensions 0x000000500B5904D0 | grep initialMemorySize
    0x20b0: UDATA initialMemorySize = 0x0000000040000000 (1073741824)

  1. Create a Java project and place j9ddr.jar on the classpath
  2. Create a class that extends com.ibm.j9ddr.tools.ddrinteractive.Command and uses the com.ibm.j9ddr.tools.ddrinteractive.annotations.DebugExtension annotation. For example:
    import com.ibm.j9ddr.CorruptDataException;
    import com.ibm.j9ddr.tools.ddrinteractive.Command;
    import com.ibm.j9ddr.tools.ddrinteractive.Context;
    import com.ibm.j9ddr.tools.ddrinteractive.DDRInteractiveCommandException;
    import com.ibm.j9ddr.tools.ddrinteractive.annotations.DebugExtension;
    import com.ibm.j9ddr.vm29.j9.DataType;
    import com.ibm.j9ddr.vm29.pointer.generated.J9JavaVMPointer;
    import com.ibm.j9ddr.vm29.pointer.helper.J9RASHelper;
    public class CustomCommand extends Command {
        CommandDescription cd = addCommand("customcommand", "", "Help description");
      public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
         try {
           out.println("Hello World");
           J9JavaVMPointer jvm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
           out.println("!j9javavm " + jvm.getHexAddress());
         } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
           throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException("Error processing " + e.getClass().getCanonicalName(), e);
  3. Package the class into a jar file.
  4. Run jdmpview with the path to the jar file. For example:
    jdmpview -J-Dplugins=$HOME/customddrcommands-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -core core.20200804.025942.3576.0001.dmp
  5. Execute your command name with ! in front. For example:
    > !customcommand
    Hello World
    !j9javavm 0x000000500886EF70

-Xcheck:memory may be used to investigate native memory issues within the JVM itself.

Snap traces contain tracepoint data held in JVM trace bufffers (-Xtrace). Think of a snap trace as a black box flight recorder. An example file name is Snap.20140930.025436.9920.0004.trc. To process a snap trace, use the same Java version that produced the file to run the trace formatter on the snap file. For example:

$ java com.ibm.jvm.TraceFormat Snap.20140930.025436.9920.0004.trc

If you are formatting a snap dump from another JVM, download their *.dat files ($WAS/java/jre/lib/) to a local directory and then use:

java com.ibm.jvm.format.TraceFormat Snap...trc.gz -datdir $DIR

On z/OS, FTP the .dat files down in ASC.

The TraceFormatter will produce an output file with the same name plus a .fmt suffix which is a human readable output of the snap file. For example:

09:54:40.168724484 *0x000000002d2e4e00 j9prt.527           Exception  * j9vmem_reserve_memory (failure)
09:54:40.168736220  0x000000002d2e4e00 j9prt.468           Exception  * allocate_memory32 failed to allocate byteAmount=8388608 callSite=segment.c:211
09:54:40.168740272  0x000000002d2e4e00 j9prt.1049          Exception  * vmem allocate normal region failed. Callsite = segment.c:211, regionSize = 8388608
09:54:40.168744813  0x000000002d2e4e00 j9prt.1045          Exception  * memory32 allocate returned null pointer. Callsite = segment.c:211, byteAmount = 32832
09:54:40.168747956  0x000000002d2e4e00 j9vm.199            Exception  * Failed to allocate memory for segment in list 0x19fa50 (size=32768 type=0x10000)
09:54:40.168768913  0x000000002d2e4e00 j9vm.201            Exit       <allocateMemorySegmentInList result=0x0
09:54:40.168776807  0x000000002d2e4e00 j9vm.94             Exception  * Unable to allocate 1912 bytes for RAM class. Throw OutOfMemoryError

In addition to the section on excessive direct byte buffers in the general Troubleshooting Java chapter, IBM Java offers additional potential mitigations to excessive DBBs:

  1. Use -Xgc:maxScavengeBeforeGlobal=N to force System.gc()s after every N scavenges. This option may have performance implications.
  2. Use a non-generational garbage collection policy such as -Xgcpolicy:optthruput or -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause. This option may have performance implications. As the article quoted above mentions, this may not completely solve the issue.

A recent IBM javacore shows how much native memory is currently in use by DirectByteBuffers. For example:

5MEMUSER       |  |  |  +--Direct Byte Buffers: 1,865,530,448 bytes / 150746 allocations

Direct byte buffer allocations and frees may be tracked with the following -Xtrace:


For additonal detail:

-Xtrace:none,output={directbytebuffersphần trămp_#.trc,100m,5},maximal=j9jcl.335-342,trigger=tpnid{j9jcl.335-342,jstacktrace}

Log files named directbytebuffers${PID_NUMBER}_${FILECOUNT}.trc will be written to the current working directory of the JVM, which is normally the profile directory (i.e. where javacores go by default). For each file, execute the following command:

${WebSphere}/java/bin/java com.ibm.jvm.TraceFormat directbytebuffersPID_NUMBER.trc directbytebuffersPID_NUMBER.trc.txt

For example:

${WebSphere}/java/bin/java com.ibm.jvm.TraceFormat directbytebuffers30799_0.trc directbytebuffers30799_0.trc.txt

Create a ZIP of the directbytebuffers files and formatting data files:

${WebSphere}/java/bin/jar cvf directbytebuffers.jar directbytebuffers*trc* ${WebSphere}/java/jre/lib/J9TraceFormat.dat ${WebSphere}/java/jre/lib/TraceFormat.dat

Upload directbytebuffers.jar along with WAS and other logs.

Starting with IBM Java 6.0.1, a system dump is produced on the first OufOfMemoryError in addition to the previous artifacts (PHD, javacore, snap).

There are three broad types of native OutOfMemoryErrors on 64-bit:

  1. With compressed references, insufficient virtual address space below 4GB for native classes, threads, and monitors.
  2. Ulimit exhaustion on certain operating systems such as Linux and AIX.
  3. If malloc or mmap return NULL or fail for any reason (e.g. physical memory and swap are exhausted). For example, on Linux, with overcommit_memory=2, if the amount of committed bytes (Committed_AS in /proc/meminfo) will exceed (Swap + (RAM*overcommit_ratio)) or (Swap + overcommit_kbytes).

When using IBM Java in 64-bit mode and with a maximum heap size less than 25GB, then Compressed References (-Xcompressedrefs) are enabled by default (defaults may be different on older versions of Java on some operating systems).

Compressed references will “decrease the size of Java objects and make more effective use of the available space. The result is less frequent garbage collection and improved memory cache utilization.”

There are important implications to compressed references related to native OutOfMemoryErrors:

When you are using compressed references, the following structures are allocated in the lowest 4 GB of the address space: Classes, Threads, Monitors. Additionally, the operating system and native libraries use some of this address space. Small Java heaps are also allocated in the lowest 4 GB of the address space. Larger Java heaps are allocated higher in the address space.

Native memory OutOfMemoryError exceptions might occur when using compressed references if the lowest 4 GB of address space becomes full, particularly when loading classes, starting threads, or using monitors. You can often resolve these errors with a larger -Xmx option to put the Java heap higher in the address space.

A command-line option can be used with -Xcompressedrefs to allocate the heap you specify with the -Xmx option, in a memory range of your choice. This option is -Xgc:preferredHeapBase=<addressvàgt;, where <addressvàgt; is the base memory address for the heap. In the following example, the heap is located at the 4GB mark, leaving the lowest 4GB of address space for use by other processes. -Xgc:preferredHeapBase=0x100000000

The first key point is that some maximum heap sizes below 4GB may cause the Java heap to be placed in the 0-4GB address space range (when possible). Compressed references technology works by compressing and decompressing pointers at runtime using bit shift arithmetic. However, if the Java heap can be fit under 4GB, then these extra instructions are not required. In one benchmark, when the Java heap moved above the 0-4GB range, there was a relative throughput decrease of ~2.5%. Note that this 2.5% effect was not under ceteris paribus conditions because the heap size was increased rather than using -Xgc:preferredHeapBase. The purpose of using -Xgc:preferredHeapBase (or alternatively, increasing the maximum heap size) is that you are forcing the JVM to take this performance hit in order to give more space to the native class, thread, and monitor data structures to avoid Native OutOfMemoryErrors (NOOMs).

The second key point is that native class, thread, and monitor data structures must all be allocated below 4GB when using compressed references. The operating system and other native allocations may further limit the available space under 4GB, so if you continue to get native OutOfMemoryErrors even with the Java heap allocated above the 0-4GB range, then you must address the number and size of the class, thread, and monitor data structures. In many cases, this is caused by a class, classloader, or thread leak which you can investigate with various tools, but it’s easiest to start off by analyzing the javacore from the NOOM. If there are no leaks, then there may be other ways to reduce these data structures such as reducing reflection inflation, using shared classes, etc.

One option to avoid these problems and NOOMs is to disable compressed references entirely; however, one benchmark shows a 10-20% relative throughput decrease when doing so: “Analysis shows that a 64-bit application without CR yields only 80-85% of 32-bit throughput but with CR yields 90-95%. Depending on application requirements, CR can improve performance up to 20% over standard 64-bit”. You may be able to recover some of this drop by increasing L2/L3 processor cache sizes or efficiency (using processor sets). Disabling compressed references will also dramatically increase Java heap usage by up to 70% (because the pointers are doubled, the same Java object reference takes more of the Java heap).

Common causes of exhaustion below 4GB even if the heap is above:

  1. Too many classes, classloaders, threads, or monitors.
  2. Too many other, non-Class/Thread/Monitor allocations going below 4GB. Starting with Java 6.0.1 SR8 FP3 and Java 7 SR8 FP10, consider reserving more of this space for Classes/Threads/Monitors with -Xmcrs#MB. For older releases, an equivalent but undocumented and unsupported option is -Xgc:suballocatorInitialSize=#MB.
  3. On Windows, its default allocation strategy fills up the virtual memory below 4GB, which is not necessary. Set HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementAllocationPreference to (REG_DWORD)=0x100000

In IBM Java <= 5 for Linux, the IBM_MALLOCTRACE option is available which calls glibc’s mtrace. Starting with IBM Java 6, this option was changed to function equivalent to -Xcheck:memory:all instead of calling mtrace.

Useful jdmpview and IDDE:

  • info thread * – In recent versions, includes detailed native thread information
  • info mmap -verbose – On some operating systems such as Linux, includes detailed information available in /proc

Due to padding, alignment, and other operating system requirements, the actual native thread stack size may be larger than that specified by -Xss.

  • org/eclipse/swt/internal/cairo/Cairo._cairo_fill(Native Method): -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.cairoGraphics=false

In one case, removing the options -Xdebug -Xnoagent improved debug performance by 300%. In general, the only required arguments are -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777

If you see the following error launching the installer:

An internal LaunchAnywhere application error has occured and this application cannot proceed.  (LAX)
Stack Trace:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Malformed uxxxx encoding.
  at java.util.Properties.loadConvert(Properties.java:618)
  at java.util.Properties.load0(Properties.java:435)
  at java.util.Properties.load(Properties.java:330)
  at com.zerog.common.java.util.PropertiesUtil.loadProperties(Unknown Source)
  at com.zerog.lax.LAX.(DashoA8113)
  at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(DashoA8113)

Then try first exporting the following environment variables:

export PS1="> "
export TITLEBAR="> "

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